
  • Review all training materials before contacting any prospective customers
  • Ensure the customer completes the order process and submits their own order themselves
  • Provide the correct customer contact information during the order process, not that of your own.
  • Energy company will contact the customer to keep them informed of the progress of their order, or request additional information if required
  • Explain to the customer what will happen next
  • Advice the customer to only contact energy company via the number contained within their order confirmation email
  • Enter your own business ID while processing the order
  • Be an active employee of the energy company and sell Power services through NeXarise
  • Use cold marketing sales techniques such as door knocking to acquire new customers
  • Produce multiple orders for the same customer, as this is not permitted. Each order must be under a different account holder's name
  • Allow your customers to cancel their existing contract to then sign up their partner/spouse as new customer at the same address